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更新时间:2021-08-06 点击量: 936



来自欧洲的科学家利用Imetos植物生理生态系统对黑莓的物候进行了研究,文章题为Phenology of ‘Tupy’ and ‘Xavante’ blackberries grown in a subtropical area,发表在Scientia Horticulturae上。



过去数十年,Pessl公司为用户提供了*创新性的信息决策工具,公司开发了系列iMETOS无线、太阳能供电监控系统以及在线云平台 FieldClimate, 提供从气象预测监控、水管理、远程植物田间监控、植物生理生态、土壤分析到工作规划等设施,为有效农业提供了几乎全部核心设施。


Phenology of ‘Tupy’ and ‘Xavante’ blackberries grown in a subtropical area

The phenological behavior of blackberries c*rs grown under subtropical conditions was investigated.

The experiments were carried out in two consecutive crop seasons.

The fruit development duration was quite similar for ‘Tupy’ and ‘Xavante’ blackberries. Both c*rs have comparatively unique phenological periods, earlier and shorter than temperate regions.

The possibility to grow blackberries under two annual crops under subtropical areas is proposed.


The objective of this study was to evaluate the duration of phenological stages of ‘Tupy’ and ‘Xavante’ blackberries grown under subtropical conditions with the goal of optimizing the production system. The experiment was conducted at the Experimental Station, Agricultural Research Center, Londrina State University, PR, Brazil, during two consecutive seasons: 2013 and 2014. A completely randomized design was used with five plot replications, with each composed of five plants. The duration (in days) of each phenological stage was recorded for both c*rs through visual observations at the following times: the onset of bud sprouting, the onset of flowering, the onset of fruit maturation, the beginning of fruit harvest, the end of flowering, and the end of fruit harvest. The duration (in days) of the following fruit development stages was also recorded: flower bud, full open flower, unripe green berry, ripening pink berry, and ripe berry. The phenological development of ‘Tupy’ and ‘Xavante’ blackberries was directly influenced by the subtropical winter conditions with changes in bud sprouting, flowering and fruit harvesting periods. In the 2013 season, ‘Tupy’ had a later start of the growth cycle than ‘Xavante’, but fruit harvest for both ended at the same time in early summer. In the 2014 season, ‘Xavante’ maintained its characteristic early start, and ‘Tupy’ also resumed the growth cycle, which was earlier than the previous season. The duration of fruit development was similar for both c*rs. ‘Tupy’ and ‘Xavante’ grown in subtropical mild winter conditions demonstrated unique phenology, with earlier and shorter growth cycles than in temperate regions; thus, growing blackberries as two annual crops to optimize the production system is proposed.
